Have you ever wanted to part of something bigger than yourself? Something that could truly impact the world and leave a lasting impression? So have I. This is our chance to do just that. The only qualification is that you are a woman willing to design a fabric block for an art installation. The beauty of it is that you can do this from the comfort of your own home and simply mail the block in when finished. Your name will be on the work and hung in an art gallery for all to see!
Imagine women from all over the world creating a fabric block about how they lift up other women. This networking of women to form a whole piece, is iconic of the message of the art installation I plan to create. Right now, many women of the world are working together to raise each other up out of the oppression we have historically faced, and still face today. Each of us matters in this process.
Just as this art installation cannot be successful without many women participating, the women of the world will not be successfully lifted up to a position of equality, without all women rendering aid to struggling females around her. Some may assume that women already have equality, and may question what our current challenges are? Here are some examples.
Women are still underrepresented in top leadership positions. For instance, only about one fourth of the US Congress is comprised of women. Less than 6% of CEO’s in America are women, There is also the issue of violence against women. Right now the United Nations states that 90% of adults raped in the world are females. The UN also estimates that 1 in 9 girls in the world under age 15 are forced into marriage. Women are still held down financially. There are still countries in the world that do not allow women to have bank accounts, drive, or buy a home. They are held hostage by financial control. Even in the USA, women still make less than men who are doing the same job. Also, many women in third world countries are not allowed access to birth control, so they never reach true potential as an individual, due to never ending pregnancies and child care.
You can make a difference in the world. Your fabric square, celebrating how you raise women up, as well as all other women creating fabric blocks for this installation, will give vision to what the world could be like if all women were treated with respect, and given an equal voice. What if each one of us, in our own circle of friends, assisted women to somehow find their place of self respect, safety, and equality. This is worth celebrating. This is worth exhibiting for all people to see and consider. Won’t you join in?